Percutaneous Hydrotomy
The Algos Centre is dedicated to the treatment of chronic pain. We use innovative techniques such as Percutaneous Hydrotomy, developed by Dr Guez, to relieve chronic pain such as osteoarthritis and arthritis. This minimally invasive technique provides effective relief from joint pain, neck pain, lower back pain, various types of tendonitis and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Percutaneous hydrotomy is also effective for inflammatory digestive problems (autoimmune diseases, Crohn's disease, dysbiosis, SIBO, irritable bowel, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.).
The Algos Centre is dedicated to the treatment of chronic pain. We use innovative techniques such as Percutaneous Hydrotomy, developed by Dr Guez, to relieve chronic pain such as osteoarthritis and arthritis. This minimally invasive technique provides effective relief from joint pain, neck pain, lower back pain, various types of tendonitis and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Percutaneous hydrotomy is also effective for inflammatory digestive problems (autoimmune diseases, Crohn's disease, dysbiosis, SIBO, irritable bowel, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.).
Percutaneous hydrotomy is a treatment method derived from mesotherapy, developed by Dr Guez from clinical observation and reflection on mesotherapy. This technique has been around for 40 years and has numerous testimonials justifying its effectiveness, particularly in the treatment of osteoarticular pain.
The unique feature of this technique is the subcutaneous or intradermal injection of a certain amount of physiological saline solution to hydrate the degenerating structures, as well as natural micro-nutritional treatments, homeopathic treatments and medicines suitable for use in mesotherapy.
Injections are made with extremely fine, small needles. Depending on the therapy indicated, the practitioner will suggest localised injections or more diffuse infusions called mesoperfusion.
The power of water is at the heart of this therapy:
- Extra-cellular hydration: ageing, ground degradation, the appearance of health imbalances, disease and degeneration all lead to dehydration: osteoarthritis, arthritis, herniated discs.... This is the first element of a rejuvenation cure for the whole system.
- Transport vehicle: Water can transport minerals, vitamins, amino acids, micronutrients, trace elements, calcium and heavy metal chelators, ... and any other therapeutic substrate required for local regeneration.
- Allows true extracellular cleansing in acute and chronic inflammation. The pain caused by the presence of inflammatory mediators at the site is reduced by washing out and diluting these mediators. Once the area has been cleansed, movement and life can circulate again, repairing and healing the lesion.
Depending on the therapeutic indication, the practitioner will tailor the therapy to the individual's needs, following precise, recognised protocols:
- Extracellular hydration
- Extracellular micronutrients
- Microcirculation and cellular regeneration
- Immunostimulation through mesovaccination
- Balance between cellular construction and destruction
- Cellular detoxification
Most of the injected treatments are natural because they are present in our bodies and are essential for life, such as vitamins, trace elements, minerals, amino acids, etc.
There are very few, extremely rare side effects, making this an effective, inexpensive and safe technique.
Practitioners are highly qualified and registered with the International Percutaneous Hydrotomy Society.
If you would like information on the cost of percutaneous hydrotomy or are looking for a specialist practitioner, please contact us. We will be happy to help you find the most appropriate treatment for your pain.